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Keep your favourite painting closer
Everyone has a favourite painting that they fell in love with at first sight. Hang a 6″ art canvas somewhere in your house as a reminder of the artwork that holds a special place in your heart.
Turn your house into your own art gallery
Make a selection for your own. Your favourite pieces, artists, art movements or eras, colour schemes, animals, portraits or landscapes, particular subjects or a selection no one hardly expected. Have fun with masterpieces!
The perfect piece for your friend
A gift with a hidden message is always a fun idea. How about “Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette” for him to quit smoking? Or “Rat guard cat” for your friend who recently bought an old house? “The Card Players” is perfect for your uncle who is addicted to card games. And don’t you have a friend currently in a situation like “The Scream“?
6″ Art Canvas was originally designed for narrow walls and small spaces. For kitchens, laundries, hallways, toilets, doors, bookshelves and so on. Waterproof and durable, comes with strong double-sided adhesive patches. Printed here in NZ by Happy Medium.